Become a provider
Improve patient outcome with precision colour
Authorized Colorimetry Provider Program
Our program is designed to help you incorporate colorimetry into your practice and bring new beneficial solutions to your patients.
The instrument is used by hundreds of community optometrist practices, hospitals and university vision clinics in the UK and around the world, with over 750,000 lenses and contacts prescribed to date. The efficacy has been demonstrated in numerous controlled trials and helps individual with many neurological conditions where cortical hyperactivation is present.
Innovative - Revolutionary - Evidence-based
The Intuitive Colorimeter™ Curve is FDA approved and a Health Canada registered class 1 medical device.

Program highlights
When adding the Intuitive Colorimeter™ to your practice, our program includes the following benefits:
Visual Stress & Colorimetry Assessment Tool (VSCAT)
Live and recorded online training and onboarding sessions
Print and digital marketing assets and support
Advocacy to increase awareness, coverage, inquiries and referrals
Access to a searchable database of research papers, journals, articles, books and news stories from around the world