Identifying distortions
As part of our assessments, we evaluate our clients’ perceptual distortions. After they describe what they experience when viewing text and patterned images, we use a set of illustrated distortions to help them further describe what they perceive. Many clients are surprised to see images illustrating what they personally experience. This is often the first time they are able to explain what they see and have someone believe them. These images are very useful in helping people convey to their teachers, employers and families their challenges and the importance of accommodating them.
Over the past 35 years, multiple research papers have consistently reported the following perceptual distortions: intermittent blurring, duplication, jumping, switching and fading of the visual image.

Hover over the box to view the distortion
(Rivers or parting words)

Hover over the box to view the distortion
(Dissolving or fading letter)

Hover over the box to view the distortion
(Sliding, doubling or overlapping)

Hover over the box to view the distortion
(Bending, bulging or sinking letters)

Hover over the box to view the distortion
(Shimmer or heatwave)

Hover over the box to view the distortion


Hover over the box to view the distortion

Hover over the box to view the distortion
Rolling Waves

Hover over the box to view the distortion

Hover over the box to view the distortion

Hover over the box to view the distortion
Rivers or parting words

Hover over the box to view the distortion

Hover over the box to view the distortion

Hover over the box to view the distortion
Indigestion, bulging

Hover over the box to view the distortion
Fading in and Out

Hover over the box to view the distortion
Random Letter Loss

Hover over the box to view the distortion
Bouncing Letters

Hover over the box to view the distortion
Bouncing Bolo Letters

Hover over the box to view the distortion

Hover over the box to view the distortion

Hover over the box to view the distortion

Hover over the box to view the distortion

Hover over the box to view the distortion

Hover over the box to view the distortion

Hover over the box to view the distortion
Gold Ribbons

Hover over the box to view the distortion
Samples of static distortions
Below are samples of commonly reported static distortions.
Note: samples of animated distortions are currently unavailable.
WARNING: The following images can cause discomfort and trigger negative reactions in some individuals.