Read about Visual Stress
While most of the printed material on Visual Stress is in the form of research papers, there have been some very interesting books written on the subject. They have been written by researchers, advocates, and people who suffer from Visual Stress. They found solutions that they wanted to share through their personal stories.

The first book written about Visual Stress was authored by Arnold Wilkins and it was the first general and unified theory of visual discomfort based on the triggers of visual stimuli. No longer in print, This book is available to download for FREE.
A follow up to this original book was published in 2003 and called reading through colour. It recaps the research from the previous 10 years and provides practical guidelines on how to use this information in the classroom to help students and children struggling with reading difficulties.
Professor Wilkins also co-authored Vision and Reading Difficulties in 2011 and then more recently released an updated version in 2022. While the basic information from both books is the same, the newer version does have some additional information based on more recent research.

Visual Stress
This book provides the first general and unified theory of visual discomfort. Based on the author's observation that people find certain visual stimuli uncomfortable--and that these same stimuli induce seizures in patients with photosensitive epilepsy--the book offers fascinating insights into a variety of visual stresses that arise from design, reading, lighting, television, and VDU terminals. A range of techniques for preventing and treating visual discomfort--from color therapy to precision tinting of spectacle lenses--are described in detail. Students and researchers in perceptual psychology, visual science, neurology, and optometry will want to read this pioneering new work.
Written by Arnold J. Wilkins, this book is out of print but downloadable online. Published by Oxford University Press, January 1996
DOI 10.1093/acprof :oso/9780198521747.001.0001

Reading Through Colour
Reading with Colour provides a review and interpretation of the scientific evidence, gathered over the last decade, along with very practical guidance for teachers and parents about how to use the overlays, who will benefit from their use and how to assess their effectiveness. It is comprehensive and includes both the scientific evidence in lay terms as well as practical "how to" information on classroom management and the design of typefaces for children. While further research has been published, it has served to confirm theories and provide an increased understanding of the basis for the condition.
Written by Arnold J. Wilkins, this book is out of print but downloadable online.
Published by: Wiley 2003
ISBN: 978-0-470-85116-6

Vision Rehabilitation
Providing the information required to understand, advocate for, and supply post-acute vision rehabilitative care following brain injury, Vision Rehabilitation: Multidisciplinary Care of the Patient Following Brain Injury bridges the gap between theory and practice. It presents clinical information and scientific literature supporting the diagnostic and therapeutic strategies applied in a comprehensive overview of current diagnostic and treatment strategies in adult post-brain injury vision rehabilitation.
Contains sections on Colour Therapies and Cortical Hyperactivation
Edited by: Penelope Suter and Lisa H Harvey
Published by CRC Press 2011
ISBN-13: 978-1439836552

Visual Aspects of Dyslexia
Although the dominant view is that Dyslexia is caused by specifically linguistic/phonological weakness, recent research within the field of neuroscience has shown that it is associated with visual processing problems as well. These discoveries have led to a resurgence in visual methods of treatment, which have shown promising results. This book brings together cutting-edge research from a range of disciplines — including neurology, neuroscience, and the vision sciences, to present the first comprehensive review of this recent research. It includes chapters from leading specialists which, in addition to reporting on the latest research, show how this knowledge is being successfully applied in the development of effective visual treatments for this common problem. Sections within the book cover the role of eye movements in reading, visual attention and reading, the neural bases of reading, and the relationship between visual stress and dyslexia.
Edited by: John Stein and Zoï Kapoula
Published by: Oxford University Press 2012
ISBN-13: 9780199589814