Relieving symptoms
For many, a cluster of Visual Stress symptoms arises when their visual sensory system is overloaded (hyperactivated). Relief occurs when this sensory overload is calmed by addressing the triggers and making environmental modifications, and using the appropriate assistive tools and technologies.
In order to understand how to relieve the visual sensory overload, it is important to identify the symptoms and its source.
The goal is to relieve the stress by reducing the triggers at the source.
Visual Stress symptoms fall into two groups: perceptual and physical.

Perceptual symptoms
Light and screen sensitivity
Visual sensory overload
Illusions of shape, motion and colour
Blurring and double vision
Reading and tracking difficulties
Depth perception difficulties
Physical symptoms
Sensation of heat at the back of the head
Eye pain and strain
Nausea and dizziness
Cognitive fatigue